all postcodes in LL15 / RUTHIN

find any address or company within the LL15 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL15 2SP 5 0 53.059559 -3.280861
LL15 2SR 4 0 53.057622 -3.291875
LL15 2SS 1 0 53.053746 -3.297757
LL15 2ST 7 0 53.04984 -3.303935
LL15 2SU 8 0 53.04927 -3.300994
LL15 2SW 3 0 53.057811 -3.30422
LL15 2SY 4 0 53.045611 -3.30697
LL15 2TA 5 0 53.046775 -3.315299
LL15 2TB 3 0 53.04861 -3.312118
LL15 2TD 2 0 53.051805 -3.310768
LL15 2TE 2 0 53.050678 -3.319223
LL15 2TF 6 0 53.061435 -3.305718
LL15 2TG 8 0 53.069169 -3.308698
LL15 2TH 3 0 53.071443 -3.310558
LL15 2TL 3 0 53.072795 -3.301031
LL15 2TN 17 16 53.122524 -3.323409
LL15 2TP 6 0 53.129082 -3.32675
LL15 2TR 16 0 53.12667 -3.330232
LL15 2TS 7 0 53.127262 -3.336797
LL15 2TT 12 0 53.132542 -3.331236