all postcodes in LL16 / DENBIGH

find any address or company within the LL16 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL16 3LD 0 53.179103 -3.422594
LL16 3LE 5 53.183092 -3.421319
LL16 3LF 11 53.183297 -3.421416
LL16 3LG 2 53.183114 -3.422997
LL16 3LH 2 53.183313 -3.42384
LL16 3LJ 0 53.182961 -3.422244
LL16 3LL 0 53.182736 -3.421726
LL16 3LN 0 53.182886 -3.422749
LL16 3LP 1 53.183033 -3.423996
LL16 3LR 0 53.182996 -3.424803
LL16 3LS 1 53.183273 -3.421953
LL16 3LT 0 53.181599 -3.422123
LL16 3LU 4 53.181694 -3.42241
LL16 3LW 0 53.182226 -3.423086
LL16 3LY 1 53.179178 -3.421385
LL16 3NA 0 53.181748 -3.4209
LL16 3NB 0 53.181611 -3.420327
LL16 3ND 0 53.182334 -3.42077
LL16 3NE 0 53.182859 -3.420998
LL16 3NF 0 53.182352 -3.420022