all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 4TJ 0 53.313268 -3.458724
LL18 4TN 0 53.310665 -3.468632
LL18 4TP 0 53.311321 -3.468655
LL18 4TR 0 53.310037 -3.467049
LL18 4TS 0 53.308988 -3.466113
LL18 4TT 0 53.308827 -3.464607
LL18 4TU 0 53.309694 -3.464981
LL18 4TW 0 53.311105 -3.470869
LL18 4TY 0 53.309062 -3.464494
LL18 4UA 0 53.309969 -3.46382
LL18 4UB 0 53.308946 -3.463621
LL18 4UD 0 53.310507 -3.462503
LL18 4UE 0 53.310876 -3.463131
LL18 4UF 0 53.308885 -3.462042
LL18 4UG 0 53.310078 -3.462263
LL18 4UH 0 53.309613 -3.460581
LL18 4UL 0 53.316058 -3.462843
LL18 4UN 0 53.310153 -3.461245
LL18 4UR 0 53.310971 -3.461288
LL18 4US 0 53.311746 -3.461855