all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 9AF 0 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9BS 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9BY 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9DN 1 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9EJ 1 53.319091 -3.484356
LL18 9ES 1 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9EE 1 53.319091 -3.484356
LL18 9EW 1 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9FE 1 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9FF 1 1 53.319091 -3.484356
LL18 9GA 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9GN 1 1 53.319091 -3.484356
LL18 9GY 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9HG 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9GX 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9HH 1 0 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9HL 0 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9HN 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9HQ 1 1 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 9GZ 0 53.319091 -3.484356