all postcodes in LL18 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL18 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL18 1UB 16 7 53.319981 -3.489385
LL18 1UF 5 2 53.319346 -3.487741
LL18 1UH 1 1 53.319967 -3.48985
LL18 1UU 1 1 53.319838 -3.489335
LL18 1ZG 1 0 53.319073 -3.484354
LL18 1HX 12 0 53.317231 -3.501525
LL18 1UL 0 53.316032 -3.503959
LL18 1AQ 1 1 53.313775 -3.503279
LL18 1SU 1 0 53.320709 -3.492998
LL18 1PN 0 53.318667 -3.495976
LL18 1LQ 0 53.314823 -3.504248
LL18 2AA 30 0 53.315863 -3.490893
LL18 2AB 11 7 53.31433 -3.494128
LL18 2AD 30 9 53.312399 -3.497632
LL18 2AE 8 1 53.314527 -3.492812
LL18 2AF 16 8 53.314349 -3.491921
LL18 2AH 21 0 53.313257 -3.495155
LL18 2AN 35 0 53.31375 -3.492425
LL18 2AP 46 0 53.311835 -3.496006
LL18 2AR 27 1 53.313411 -3.490762