all postcodes in LL19 / PRESTATYN

find any address or company within the LL19 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL19 7LE 6 1 53.342677 -3.409769
LL19 7LF 15 1 53.343431 -3.406804
LL19 7LG 1 1 53.344489 -3.403204
LL19 7LH 4 0 53.342675 -3.408402
LL19 7LL 13 2 53.341072 -3.415439
LL19 7LN 18 0 53.340734 -3.414436
LL19 7LP 11 0 53.341055 -3.41308
LL19 7LR 5 0 53.340375 -3.412111
LL19 7LS 12 0 53.340676 -3.412481
LL19 7LT 16 0 53.340001 -3.411738
LL19 7LU 59 1 53.339909 -3.408175
LL19 7LW 16 0 53.340356 -3.41597
LL19 7NB 8 0 53.338235 -3.408285
LL19 7ND 21 6 53.339096 -3.409275
LL19 7NE 14 0 53.337636 -3.408836
LL19 7NG 29 0 53.337809 -3.410149
LL19 7NH 21 0 53.337273 -3.412129
LL19 7NJ 18 0 53.339191 -3.41111
LL19 7NL 11 0 53.338027 -3.411433
LL19 7NN 16 0 53.33737 -3.413829