all postcodes in LL21 / CORWEN

find any address or company within the LL21 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL21 0DW 3 0 52.980316 -3.372486
LL21 0DY 6 0 52.980085 -3.369127
LL21 0EA 6 0 52.979341 -3.368733
LL21 0EB 3 0 52.979431 -3.369702
LL21 0ED 3 0 52.979627 -3.368906
LL21 0EE 1 1 52.980034 -3.384393
LL21 0EG 1 1 52.980394 -3.383408
LL21 0EH 12 1 52.982475 -3.40984
LL21 0EL 13 0 52.982593 -3.424814
LL21 0EN 14 0 52.988445 -3.44418
LL21 0EP 12 0 52.973811 -3.434399
LL21 0ER 9 0 52.981462 -3.396101
LL21 0ES 2 0 52.983107 -3.418649
LL21 0ET 23 1 52.95605 -3.42665
LL21 0EU 11 0 52.963437 -3.427145
LL21 0EW 8 1 52.97109 -3.409365
LL21 0HA 10 1 52.971584 -3.451404
LL21 0HB 8 1 52.970282 -3.456232
LL21 0HD 9 1 52.970287 -3.463348
LL21 0HE 11 0 52.964512 -3.489686