all postcodes in LL22 / ABERGELE

find any address or company within the LL22 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL22 7DT 32 0 53.281142 -3.589955
LL22 7DU 39 0 53.279907 -3.58754
LL22 7DW 31 0 53.27991 -3.594694
LL22 7DX 20 0 53.282149 -3.593308
LL22 7DY 26 0 53.281334 -3.588387
LL22 7DZ 28 0 53.281196 -3.595312
LL22 7EA 39 0 53.278706 -3.58661
LL22 7EB 20 0 53.279323 -3.588853
LL22 7ED 5 0 53.279254 -3.587935
LL22 7EE 17 0 53.279774 -3.590085
LL22 7EF 13 0 53.279052 -3.586953
LL22 7EG 24 0 53.281008 -3.585783
LL22 7EH 40 0 53.280956 -3.587758
LL22 7EL 18 0 53.281699 -3.589331
LL22 7EN 31 0 53.282279 -3.587643
LL22 7EP 8 0 53.282944 -3.587607
LL22 7ER 1 0 53.283486 -3.586727
LL22 7ES 17 0 53.28279 -3.587076
LL22 7ET 11 0 53.283285 -3.58636
LL22 7EU 26 0 53.283271 -3.584694