all postcodes in LL24 / BETWS-Y-COED

find any address or company within the LL24 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL24 0RE 12 0 53.013172 -3.838628
LL24 0RF 1 0 52.995213 -3.841888
LL24 0RG 6 0 53.012878 -3.845442
LL24 0RH 14 0 53.012176 -3.850078
LL24 0RL 15 1 53.011882 -3.852838
LL24 0RN 9 0 53.011037 -3.85555
LL24 0RP 5 0 53.010621 -3.856436
LL24 0RR 6 0 53.010029 -3.860376
LL24 0RS 10 0 53.008701 -3.858326
LL24 0RT 6 0 53.008349 -3.858545
LL24 0RU 9 0 53.008682 -3.862539
LL24 0RY 1 0 53.008846 -3.862978
LL24 0SA 15 0 53.009157 -3.862097
LL24 0SB 10 0 53.008936 -3.861864
LL24 0SD 4 0 53.009417 -3.862123
LL24 0SF 1 0 53.084274 -3.794653
LL24 0SG 7 1 53.084739 -3.794239
LL24 0SH 18 2 53.078112 -3.795501
LL24 0SL 2 0 53.075176 -3.793323
LL24 0SN 6 0 53.07128 -3.798441