all postcodes in LL26 / LLANRWST

find any address or company within the LL26 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL26 0DP 48 0 53.141288 -3.799586
LL26 0DQ 3 1 53.18697 -3.757226
LL26 0DR 8 1 53.141804 -3.799324
LL26 0DS 18 1 53.141697 -3.800923
LL26 0DT 13 0 53.146975 -3.798613
LL26 0DU 8 0 53.142339 -3.80068
LL26 0DW 9 1 53.142106 -3.796017
LL26 0DX 2 0 53.172203 -3.773802
LL26 0DZ 19 0 53.160264 -3.784794
LL26 0EA 4 0 53.142526 -3.800924
LL26 0EB 10 0 53.142413 -3.801263
LL26 0ED 9 1 53.143475 -3.800006
LL26 0EE 7 1 53.143392 -3.800706
LL26 0EF 6 0 53.143791 -3.801694
LL26 0EG 4 0 53.143965 -3.802105
LL26 0EH 38 9 53.142877 -3.80212
LL26 0EL 18 0 53.139958 -3.79641
LL26 0EP 29 9 53.138744 -3.798942
LL26 0ES 13 1 53.138277 -3.799535
LL26 0ET 20 2 53.1386 -3.797799