all postcodes in LL29 / COLWYN BAY

find any address or company within the LL29 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL29 6DB 35 0 53.287072 -3.738289
LL29 6DD 18 6 53.288434 -3.737999
LL29 6DE 10 0 53.284077 -3.734702
LL29 6DF 36 0 53.287566 -3.74143
LL29 6DG 27 0 53.286128 -3.740801
LL29 6DH 71 0 53.286289 -3.736532
LL29 6DJ 29 0 53.287567 -3.733313
LL29 6DL 74 0 53.286875 -3.737006
LL29 6DN 25 0 53.285195 -3.740028
LL29 6DP 40 0 53.285654 -3.735051
LL29 6DQ 15 0 53.287543 -3.730672
LL29 6DR 16 0 53.285352 -3.736689
LL29 6DS 31 0 53.284989 -3.735669
LL29 6DT 20 0 53.287043 -3.733517
LL29 6DU 4 0 53.288631 -3.742373
LL29 6DW 87 1 53.286165 -3.734532
LL29 6DX 9 0 53.287229 -3.732475
LL29 6DY 4 0 53.290105 -3.735592
LL29 6DZ 7 0 53.285003 -3.739045
LL29 6EA 22 0 53.285897 -3.732586