all postcodes in LL29 / COLWYN BAY

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL29 7LL 3 53.298974 -3.73705
LL29 7LN 2 53.298618 -3.737482
LL29 7LP 1 53.299584 -3.738452
LL29 7LR 9 53.299966 -3.739983
LL29 7LS 4 53.299649 -3.740649
LL29 7LT 1 53.2996 -3.739833
LL29 7LU 0 53.29984 -3.7437
LL29 7LW 5 53.2993 -3.738831
LL29 7LY 1 53.299736 -3.745901
LL29 7NA 1 53.299345 -3.744985
LL29 7NB 0 53.298407 -3.744542
LL29 7ND 0 53.298008 -3.746611
LL29 7NE 0 53.298176 -3.745598
LL29 7NF 0 53.298749 -3.745126
LL29 7NG 1 53.29892 -3.747609
LL29 7NN 2 53.294843 -3.727429
LL29 7NY 0 53.295003 -3.727688
LL29 7PA 10 53.293654 -3.725101
LL29 7PE 1 53.293442 -3.724939
LL29 7PH 1 53.2928 -3.723953