all postcodes in LL30 / LLANDUDNO JUNCTION

find any address or company within the LL30 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL30 1DU 0 53.319165 -3.826806
LL30 1DW 4 53.320954 -3.825021
LL30 1DX 0 53.314957 -3.812125
LL30 1DY 0 53.319118 -3.826909
LL30 1DZ 4 53.320645 -3.806946
LL30 1EA 0 53.318879 -3.826103
LL30 1EB 0 53.317977 -3.825735
LL30 1ED 12 53.317649 -3.828245
LL30 1EF 0 53.317653 -3.827477
LL30 1EG 1 53.316882 -3.825598
LL30 1EH 0 53.316584 -3.825105
LL30 1EJ 0 53.319316 -3.80686
LL30 1EL 0 53.316952 -3.823979
LL30 1EN 0 53.316256 -3.823604
LL30 1EP 0 53.317516 -3.822922
LL30 1EQ 3 53.319994 -3.807819
LL30 1ER 3 53.316571 -3.821816
LL30 1ES 0 53.317793 -3.821838
LL30 1ET 0 53.317311 -3.820452
LL30 1EU 0 53.317288 -3.819625