all postcodes in LL31 / CONWY

find any address or company within the LL31 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL31 9EP 24 3 53.28426 -3.80358
LL31 9EQ 11 0 53.294435 -3.829066
LL31 9ER 29 0 53.285431 -3.802687
LL31 9ES 12 0 53.286156 -3.802313
LL31 9ET 18 0 53.286682 -3.80202
LL31 9EU 25 1 53.286576 -3.800797
LL31 9EW 14 0 53.284663 -3.803042
LL31 9EX 34 2 53.294501 -3.831155
LL31 9EY 35 0 53.285333 -3.802038
LL31 9GA 2 0 53.292083 -3.824588
LL31 9HA 18 1 53.28407 -3.802915
LL31 9HB 51 0 53.294302 -3.809465
LL31 9HF 9 0 53.289211 -3.807899
LL31 9HG 32 3 53.285221 -3.808874
LL31 9HH 7 0 53.285352 -3.808591
LL31 9HJ 21 0 53.297369 -3.834699
LL31 9HL 9 2 53.286278 -3.809786
LL31 9HE 6 0 53.286684 -3.809083
LL31 9HN 38 0 53.286494 -3.807878
LL31 9HP 16 0 53.287672 -3.808014