all postcodes in LL38 / FAIRBOURNE

find any address or company within the LL38 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL38 2LJ 11 0 52.698903 -4.055408
LL38 2LQ 34 0 52.698153 -4.050459
LL38 2LX 2 0 52.698607 -4.05629
LL38 2LZ 17 0 52.699393 -4.055587
LL38 2NJ 3 0 52.691351 -4.048113
LL38 2NQ 4 0 52.692138 -4.045768
LL38 2NX 14 1 52.690305 -4.048834
LL38 2NZ 4 0 52.689612 -4.050429
LL38 2PJ 1 1 52.697228 -4.052962
LL38 2PQ 14 0 52.697397 -4.054139
LL38 2PX 17 1 52.696241 -4.051317
LL38 2PZ 11 2 52.695892 -4.05008
LL38 2QY 17 0 52.695683 -4.053407
LL38 2QZ 3 0 52.696323 -4.050744
LL38 2RJ 6 0 52.696237 -4.04112
LL38 2RQ 7 1 52.694954 -4.044094
LL38 2RX 2 0 52.692724 -4.045537
LL38 2RZ 11 0 52.69237 -4.044817
LL38 2SJ 1 0 52.688791 -4.05264
LL38 2SQ 7 0 52.688919 -4.051995