all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 2YG 19 0 53.219425 -4.142733
LL57 2YH 20 0 53.221137 -4.140527
LL57 2YJ 12 0 53.218885 -4.142227
LL57 2YL 13 0 53.222158 -4.140248
LL57 2YN 6 0 53.221741 -4.139928
LL57 2YP 12 0 53.22205 -4.139209
LL57 2YR 3 0 53.222423 -4.138919
LL57 2YS 24 0 53.222422 -4.139557
LL57 2YT 8 0 53.222792 -4.138991
LL57 2YU 30 0 53.22282 -4.139906
LL57 2YW 14 0 53.22126 -4.139184
LL57 2ZH 1 1 53.221603 -4.138078
LL57 2ZN 1 0 53.221603 -4.138078
LL57 2JZ 11 0 53.209823 -4.163115
LL57 2WY 1 1 53.221603 -4.138078
LL57 2WX 1 1 53.221603 -4.138078
LL57 2PD 0 53.207663 -4.169641
LL57 2BF 0 53.210855 -4.158734
LL57 2GB 158 0 53.225301 -4.143416
LL57 2GE 165 0 53.225489 -4.142961