all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

find any address or company within the LL57 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 2NJ 11 0 53.208374 -4.174559
LL57 2NL 11 0 53.208916 -4.167023
LL57 2NN 2 2 53.207605 -4.170332
LL57 2NP 1 0 53.213178 -4.163539
LL57 2NQ 39 0 53.209118 -4.172694
LL57 2NR 24 0 53.207333 -4.168022
LL57 2NS 52 0 53.206082 -4.169606
LL57 2NT 40 0 53.205565 -4.168861
LL57 2NU 14 1 53.207161 -4.169555
LL57 2NX 14 7 53.211905 -4.176145
LL57 2NZ 7 0 53.208012 -4.173207
LL57 2PA 46 0 53.220397 -4.150137
LL57 2PB 3 0 53.207002 -4.168948
LL57 2PF 3 0 53.208131 -4.163704
LL57 2PG 9 0 53.208432 -4.163974
LL57 2PH 9 0 53.209201 -4.163204
LL57 2PL 1 1 53.207187 -4.160706
LL57 2PN 6 0 53.209165 -4.162708
LL57 2PQ 119 0 53.222245 -4.155338
LL57 2PR 6 0 53.22784 -4.130649