all postcodes in LL61 / LLANFAIRPWLLGWYNGYLL

find any address or company within the LL61 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL61 5NZ 64 0 53.221988 -4.199921
LL61 5PJ 9 0 53.224162 -4.196557
LL61 5PQ 4 0 53.223993 -4.195515
LL61 5PX 21 0 53.22352 -4.196779
LL61 5PZ 2 0 53.223151 -4.196241
LL61 5QA 18 0 53.222686 -4.209769
LL61 5QB 27 1 53.22223 -4.209147
LL61 5QD 37 0 53.223141 -4.209958
LL61 5QF 28 0 53.224647 -4.205855
LL61 5QG 30 0 53.223714 -4.20771
LL61 5QH 13 0 53.223649 -4.208261
LL61 5QQ 24 0 53.226299 -4.203034
LL61 5RJ 1 0 53.222695 -4.196662
LL61 5RQ 3 0 53.222887 -4.196956
LL61 5RX 7 1 53.222719 -4.197292
LL61 5RZ 23 0 53.222915 -4.19889
LL61 5SJ 1 0 53.220418 -4.200695
LL61 5SX 26 2 53.220954 -4.201846
LL61 5SZ 25 4 53.220884 -4.205617
LL61 5TJ 10 0 53.221396 -4.202273