all postcodes in LL63 / TY CROES

find any address or company within the LL63 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL63 5LJ 6 0 53.192187 -4.463296
LL63 5LQ 12 0 53.191281 -4.464906
LL63 5LX 1 0 53.191641 -4.46319
LL63 5LZ 7 0 53.191458 -4.463748
LL63 5NJ 1 0 53.218291 -4.452256
LL63 5NQ 1 0 53.222948 -4.459279
LL63 5NX 1 0 53.213363 -4.446628
LL63 5NZ 2 0 53.207078 -4.458016
LL63 5PJ 7 0 53.189942 -4.469281
LL63 5PQ 17 0 53.191543 -4.465759
LL63 5RJ 1 0 53.213608 -4.474801
LL63 5RN 9 0 53.224102 -4.478657
LL63 5RP 24 0 53.226627 -4.48129
LL63 5RQ 1 0 53.217827 -4.479029
LL63 5RR 17 0 53.226797 -4.483488
LL63 5RS 4 0 53.226239 -4.477942
LL63 5RT 5 0 53.232358 -4.470338
LL63 5RU 6 0 53.234503 -4.467045
LL63 5RW 6 1 53.225663 -4.481384
LL63 5RX 5 0 53.209109 -4.465885