all postcodes in LL65 / HOLYHEAD

find any address or company within the LL65 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL65 1BD 12 0 53.316429 -4.643267
LL65 1BE 15 0 53.31609 -4.643952
LL65 1BG 24 0 53.3149 -4.642062
LL65 1BQ 12 0 53.309717 -4.649968
LL65 1BS 1 53.312367 -4.632612
LL65 1BU 0 53.312085 -4.631923
LL65 1BW 10 53.312362 -4.632431
LL65 1BY 2 53.312524 -4.631225
LL65 1DB 2 53.31513 -4.634528
LL65 1DD 1 53.312574 -4.630988
LL65 1DE 1 53.313437 -4.629765
LL65 1DG 1 53.313893 -4.629463
LL65 1DH 0 53.310468 -4.656605
LL65 1DJ 4 53.30879 -4.629674
LL65 1DL 3 53.313674 -4.629604
LL65 1DQ 1 53.307632 -4.631239
LL65 1DR 1 53.315623 -4.624824
LL65 1DS 3 53.312909 -4.632105
LL65 1DT 1 53.313439 -4.632543
LL65 1DU 0 53.314267 -4.632068