all postcodes in LL65 / HOLYHEAD

find any address or company within the LL65 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL65 3SD 0 53.261552 -4.465124
LL65 3SE 0 53.262442 -4.478541
LL65 3SF 0 53.267136 -4.481987
LL65 3SG 0 53.264534 -4.483851
LL65 3SH 1 53.261676 -4.486414
LL65 3SL 0 53.250555 -4.485074
LL65 3SN 0 53.244292 -4.487049
LL65 3SR 0 53.285545 -4.565875
LL65 3SS 1 53.284404 -4.508373
LL65 3ST 0 53.285694 -4.497031
LL65 3SU 0 53.290704 -4.503386
LL65 3TL 4 53.292563 -4.503044
LL65 3SW 0 53.246572 -4.499224
LL65 3SX 0 53.290587 -4.502539
LL65 3SY 0 53.291987 -4.500955
LL65 3TA 0 53.29198 -4.496573
LL65 3TB 0 53.292831 -4.500569
LL65 3TD 1 53.293078 -4.499938
LL65 3TE 0 53.29394 -4.501294
LL65 3TF 0 53.293409 -4.501308