all postcodes in LL72 / MOELFRE

find any address or company within the LL72 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL72 8LE 9 0 53.355706 -4.233268
LL72 8LF 1 1 53.355041 -4.232752
LL72 8LG 10 0 53.356392 -4.231161
LL72 8LH 19 0 53.355071 -4.234993
LL72 8LJ 11 0 53.35349 -4.239689
LL72 8LL 34 0 53.355816 -4.236024
LL72 8LN 4 0 53.355457 -4.237433
LL72 8LP 6 0 53.354814 -4.236212
LL72 8LR 27 0 53.354474 -4.237592
LL72 8LS 29 0 53.352877 -4.239792
LL72 8LT 49 0 53.351859 -4.238972
LL72 8LU 16 0 53.35402 -4.238785
LL72 8LW 20 0 53.354129 -4.236777
LL72 8LY 2 0 53.351507 -4.242385
LL72 8LZ 13 0 53.35185 -4.239903
LL72 8NA 13 3 53.355129 -4.24242
LL72 8NE 16 4 53.341174 -4.252082
LL72 8NF 2 0 53.345761 -4.269052
LL72 8NG 7 0 53.344873 -4.248542
LL72 8NH 3 0 53.34888 -4.259115