all postcodes in LL75 / PENTRAETH

find any address or company within the LL75 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL75 8UW 9 0 53.281973 -4.218859
LL75 8UY 53 0 53.28145 -4.217497
LL75 8YA 55 0 53.280071 -4.217665
LL75 8YB 9 0 53.279656 -4.219219
LL75 8YD 9 0 53.2822 -4.217736
LL75 8YE 6 0 53.28242 -4.217027
LL75 8YF 23 1 53.283759 -4.211285
LL75 8YG 21 0 53.290148 -4.201718
LL75 8YH 17 0 53.280114 -4.195931
LL75 8YL 3 0 53.272947 -4.213007
LL75 8YP 8 0 53.266914 -4.19209
LL75 8YR 14 0 53.266246 -4.208807
LL75 8YS 16 0 53.2662 -4.216107
LL75 8YT 20 0 53.267071 -4.217142
LL75 8YU 17 0 53.262948 -4.215999
LL75 8YW 3 0 53.266412 -4.196444
LL75 8YY 10 0 53.256626 -4.222374
LL75 8DA 0 53.284289 -4.217079
LL75 8DR 0 53.290798 -4.221492