all postcodes in LL75 / PENTRAETH

find any address or company within the LL75 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL75 8HA 1 0 53.291342 -4.21833
LL75 8HZ 2 0 53.309085 -4.220475
LL75 8LJ 23 12 53.286697 -4.218159
LL75 8LN 30 0 53.28934 -4.2172
LL75 8LQ 13 0 53.285218 -4.218382
LL75 8LX 18 0 53.289837 -4.219011
LL75 8LZ 1 0 53.289862 -4.220078
LL75 8NJ 22 0 53.288711 -4.218638
LL75 8NQ 21 0 53.302527 -4.216383
LL75 8PQ 10 0 53.294842 -4.205601
LL75 8PX 4 0 53.291786 -4.208419
LL75 8RJ 47 8 53.307129 -4.20769
LL75 8RQ 1 0 53.306854 -4.219144
LL75 8RX 13 0 53.302516 -4.214026
LL75 8RZ 31 1 53.302778 -4.218332
LL75 8UL 21 0 53.282235 -4.227933
LL75 8UN 16 0 53.280387 -4.223847
LL75 8UP 1 1 53.281426 -4.218786
LL75 8UR 32 0 53.280383 -4.219752
LL75 8UT 14 0 53.280235 -4.218979