all postcodes in LL77 / LLANGEFNI

find any address or company within the LL77 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL77 7EH 21 7 53.256424 -4.312334
LL77 7EJ 31 0 53.265191 -4.362699
LL77 7EL 5 0 53.256458 -4.312891
LL77 7EN 36 10 53.255 -4.311613
LL77 7EP 1 1 53.255513 -4.311551
LL77 7EQ 9 0 53.247465 -4.361602
LL77 7ER 7 2 53.25646 -4.311857
LL77 7ET 3 0 53.253668 -4.311691
LL77 7EU 16 0 53.251311 -4.313588
LL77 7EX 44 0 53.257867 -4.324602
LL77 7EY 8 0 53.249231 -4.314225
LL77 7EZ 35 0 53.255403 -4.325563
LL77 7FA 3 0 53.248633 -4.316291
LL77 7FD 4 0 53.259692 -4.308867
LL77 7FE 3 3 53.249536 -4.313317
LL77 7GA 74 0 53.256572 -4.325071
LL77 7GB 4 0 53.256754 -4.326775
LL77 7GD 17 0 53.246728 -4.341101
LL77 7GE 14 0 53.244431 -4.341785
LL77 7GF 49 0 53.257124 -4.323472