all postcodes in LN1 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 3BN 39 0 53.233863 -0.540751
LN1 3BP 1 1 53.233671 -0.539769
LN1 3BQ 6 1 53.2365 -0.542474
LN1 3BS 4 0 53.23371 -0.539678
LN1 3BT 11 0 53.232565 -0.539403
LN1 3BW 11 0 53.233436 -0.541125
LN1 3BX 6 0 53.236351 -0.543543
LN1 3BZ 12 0 53.232882 -0.539945
LN1 3DB 15 0 53.237475 -0.538455
LN1 3DD 4 0 53.237344 -0.537965
LN1 3DE 3 1 53.237695 -0.538449
LN1 3DF 98 5 53.238526 -0.538016
LN1 3DH 8 0 53.238668 -0.537501
LN1 3DJ 4 0 53.238939 -0.537566
LN1 3DL 46 0 53.239467 -0.53704
LN1 3DN 21 1 53.239529 -0.538447
LN1 3DP 30 3 53.241199 -0.537506
LN1 3DQ 5 0 53.23817 -0.538672
LN1 3DR 12 0 53.241595 -0.536427
LN1 3DS 4 0 53.242535 -0.537624