all postcodes in LN10 / WOODHALL SPA

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN10 6PZ 12 0 53.153024 -0.213915
LN10 6QA 2 0 53.153842 -0.212263
LN10 6QD 0 53.154632 -0.213995
LN10 6QE 0 53.157482 -0.222241
LN10 6QG 1 53.15789 -0.221413
LN10 6QH 3 53.153684 -0.219718
LN10 6QJ 3 53.151024 -0.218395
LN10 6QL 21 53.151855 -0.217042
LN10 6QN 1 53.152326 -0.215933
LN10 6QQ 0 53.156658 -0.221856
LN10 6QT 0 53.153374 -0.224654
LN10 6QU 0 53.14582 -0.235579
LN10 6QW 0 53.147782 -0.238803
LN10 6QX 2 53.143205 -0.239143
LN10 6QY 0 53.148755 -0.238123
LN10 6QZ 1 53.145976 -0.239239
LN10 6RA 0 53.146252 -0.232615
LN10 6RB 1 53.14824 -0.225984
LN10 6RD 0 53.149134 -0.22505
LN10 6RE 1 53.151506 -0.224791