all postcodes in LN11 / LOUTH

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN11 8QU 0 53.251802 0.055867
LN11 8QW 2 53.268242 0.051362
LN11 8QX 0 53.242312 0.055097
LN11 8QY 0 53.240918 0.054086
LN11 8QZ 0 53.239083 0.046865
LN11 8RA 0 53.240308 0.058163
LN11 8RB 0 53.230154 0.075521
LN11 8RD 0 53.232283 0.056415
LN11 8RE 0 53.249408 0.025953
LN11 8RF 1 53.265298 0.033257
LN11 8RG 1 53.271422 0.008742
LN11 8RJ 0 53.362276 0.007783
LN11 8RP 0 53.359855 0.007429
LN11 8RQ 0 53.282901 -0.003996
LN11 8RR 0 53.361792 0.008211
LN11 8RS 0 53.363611 0.015541
LN11 8RT 0 53.362556 0.014093
LN11 8RU 0 53.362327 0.012775
LN11 8RX 0 53.362645 0.012565
LN11 8RY 0 53.361638 0.010984