all postcodes in LN11 / LOUTH

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN11 9BL 2 53.366492 -0.000766
LN11 9BS 1 53.36622 0.000438
LN11 9BT 0 53.365487 -0.001026
LN11 9BU 5 0 53.365146 -0.003054
LN11 9BW 1 0 53.367289 0.000503
LN11 9BX 15 2 53.365281 -0.000913
LN11 9BY 10 1 53.364984 0.000155
LN11 9BZ 27 0 53.364981 0.000754
LN11 9DA 32 0 53.363915 -0.000543
LN11 9DB 29 0 53.364527 -0.00059
LN11 9DD 15 0 53.363217 0.000463
LN11 9DE 28 0 53.363097 0.001057
LN11 9DF 20 0 53.362686 0.002076
LN11 9DG 48 0 53.362676 0.005397
LN11 9DH 24 0 53.363716 0.006077
LN11 9DJ 28 0 53.363945 0.006359
LN11 9DN 11 0 53.365091 0.006516
LN11 9DQ 7 0 53.365003 -0.006878
LN11 9DR 29 1 53.364041 0.00223
LN11 9DT 15 0 53.364859 0.002238