all postcodes in LN11 / LOUTH

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN11 0FH 23 0 53.373314 0.011625
LN11 0RJ 0 53.384129 -0.123601
LN11 0FA 29 0 53.371384 0.007159
LN11 0WQ 5 0 53.36768 -0.003522
LN11 0FU 2 1 53.382586 -0.007954
LN11 0ZE 4 0 53.378268 0.008849
LN11 0ZF 4 0 53.379059 0.00827
LN11 0ZG 2 0 53.379027 0.006975
LN11 0ZP 0 53.370403 0.004992
LN11 0ZR 2 2 53.382636 -0.007711
LN11 0ZN 49 0 53.37153 0.003737
LN11 0ZS 5 0 53.455187 0.002459
LN11 0ZU 4 0 53.45431 -0.001558
LN11 1SA 1 53.360875 0.096056
LN11 1SB 2 2 53.360875 0.096056
LN11 1SD 1 1 53.360875 0.096056
LN11 1SE 1 1 53.360875 0.096056
LN11 1SF 1 1 53.360875 0.096056
LN11 1SG 1 1 53.360875 0.096056
LN11 1SH 1 1 53.360875 0.096056