all postcodes in LN11 / LOUTH

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN11 7HQ 0 53.375976 0.019971
LN11 7HR 0 53.4527 0.083813
LN11 7HS 0 53.453873 0.083007
LN11 7HT 0 53.453238 0.082845
LN11 7HU 1 53.452316 0.082057
LN11 7HX 1 53.452211 0.079376
LN11 7HY 0 53.453401 0.081703
LN11 7HZ 0 53.453423 0.079992
LN11 7JA 0 53.454663 0.081032
LN11 7JB 0 53.455293 0.082027
LN11 7JD 3 53.457804 0.075176
LN11 7JE 0 53.461734 0.080263
LN11 7JF 0 53.468028 0.085342
LN11 7JG 0 53.452649 0.080542
LN11 7JP 0 53.450951 0.097432
LN11 7JQ 0 53.453981 0.080451
LN11 7JR 1 53.44742 0.087093
LN11 7JS 0 53.448964 0.083058
LN11 7JT 0 53.443547 0.093634
LN11 7JU 0 53.441449 0.097898