all postcodes in LN12 / MABLETHORPE

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN12 2DL 8 0 53.337908 0.262684
LN12 2DN 4 0 53.337964 0.262114
LN12 2DP 10 0 53.335328 0.264588
LN12 2DQ 7 0 53.336905 0.26296
LN12 2DR 16 7 53.340281 0.260331
LN12 2DS 5 0 53.338584 0.262117
LN12 2DT 26 2 53.339117 0.261546
LN12 2DU 46 1 53.336669 0.262617
LN12 2DW 8 0 53.338155 0.262485
LN12 2DX 2 0 53.334451 0.264332
LN12 2DY 47 0 53.335611 0.262427
LN12 2DZ 62 0 53.332814 0.263916
LN12 2EA 19 0 53.33158 0.265924
LN12 2EB 3 0 53.334307 0.262929
LN12 2ED 1 1 53.33485 0.261786
LN12 2EE 10 0 53.333278 0.262678
LN12 2EF 4 0 53.333951 0.262279
LN12 2EG 5 0 53.331881 0.269019
LN12 2EH 6 0 53.340498 0.260268
LN12 2EJ 24 0 53.330502 0.265401