all postcodes in LN13 / ALFORD

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN13 0BE 6 0 53.277394 0.078364
LN13 0BG 8 0 53.261949 0.166127
LN13 0BH 8 0 53.277124 0.081966
LN13 0BJ 3 1 53.278543 0.07992
LN13 0BL 1 0 53.283544 0.085038
LN13 0BP 4 1 53.278743 0.102954
LN13 0BQ 20 1 53.270798 0.076664
LN13 0BS 7 0 53.24838 0.079506
LN13 0BT 6 1 53.251806 0.101018
LN13 0DT 4 0 53.284234 0.114236
LN13 0BU 6 0 53.276294 0.080006
LN13 0BW 9 0 53.285637 0.099888
LN13 0BX 5 0 53.268486 0.078817
LN13 0DD 22 7 53.301865 0.157895
LN13 0DF 4 0 53.312475 0.145865
LN13 0DG 6 0 53.296524 0.13342
LN13 0DH 17 0 53.284399 0.116134
LN13 0DJ 4 0 53.283856 0.116332
LN13 0DL 26 0 53.283152 0.117873
LN13 0DN 1 0 53.28359 0.120655