all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 2WJ 11 0 53.282133 -0.454823
LN2 2WL 6 0 53.285185 -0.442682
LN2 2WP 6 0 53.283813 -0.445762
LN2 2WY 1 1 53.224065 -0.545233
LN2 2WZ 3 0 53.282094 -0.448315
LN2 2XA 13 0 53.285001 -0.447234
LN2 2XB 14 0 53.28243 -0.447898
LN2 2XD 10 0 53.28507 -0.449077
LN2 2XH 11 0 53.265753 -0.496903
LN2 2XJ 3 0 53.267171 -0.49174
LN2 2XQ 11 0 53.265545 -0.495425
LN2 2XS 23 0 53.269994 -0.488251
LN2 2XT 30 0 53.270979 -0.487257
LN2 2XU 11 0 53.270407 -0.486782
LN2 2XW 16 0 53.270694 -0.488826
LN2 2XX 14 0 53.271283 -0.488476
LN2 2XY 7 0 53.27163 -0.486814
LN2 2XZ 19 0 53.269648 -0.487874
LN2 2YA 22 0 53.268064 -0.444444
LN2 2YD 58 0 53.268649 -0.445158