all postcodes in LN2 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN2 5PN 8 0 53.230595 -0.51818
LN2 5PP 22 0 53.230765 -0.512332
LN2 5PQ 10 1 53.230821 -0.521154
LN2 5PR 3 0 53.23093 -0.509704
LN2 5PS 35 0 53.231598 -0.51025
LN2 5PT 39 0 53.23104 -0.51382
LN2 5PU 35 0 53.231348 -0.514019
LN2 5PW 14 0 53.23056 -0.516848
LN2 5PX 35 0 53.231552 -0.508798
LN2 5PY 2 2 53.230597 -0.509011
LN2 5PZ 25 0 53.231177 -0.507883
LN2 5QA 46 0 53.231654 -0.5083
LN2 5QB 12 0 53.231701 -0.507385
LN2 5QD 16 0 53.232397 -0.508769
LN2 5QE 28 0 53.233468 -0.508866
LN2 5QF 45 0 53.233394 -0.510157
LN2 5QG 17 0 53.233798 -0.507911
LN2 5QH 16 0 53.2327 -0.507455
LN2 5QJ 16 0 53.233503 -0.507337
LN2 5QQ 32 0 53.232954 -0.508734