all postcodes in LN3 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN3 4BA 14 0 53.237014 -0.46457
LN3 4BB 26 0 53.237556 -0.462708
LN3 4BD 9 2 53.236553 -0.4609
LN3 4BE 15 0 53.237496 -0.461511
LN3 4BG 58 0 53.238414 -0.460204
LN3 4BH 21 0 53.235554 -0.457355
LN3 4BJ 11 0 53.235091 -0.459724
LN3 4BL 11 0 53.235212 -0.460784
LN3 4BN 12 0 53.240349 -0.452043
LN3 4BQ 11 0 53.23535 -0.458906
LN3 4BS 3 0 53.239632 -0.452234
LN3 4BT 25 0 53.240855 -0.452219
LN3 4BW 100 0 53.237927 -0.453134
LN3 4BY 6 0 53.240381 -0.454484
LN3 4BZ 4 0 53.240806 -0.45333
LN3 4DA 20 0 53.237602 -0.451633
LN3 4DB 6 0 53.237509 -0.452775
LN3 4DE 1 1 53.224065 -0.545233
LN3 4DG 5 0 53.251683 -0.441561
LN3 4DH 14 0 53.252423 -0.442674