all postcodes in LN3 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN3 5UD 59 7 53.20912 -0.329
LN3 5UE 9 0 53.210053 -0.329533
LN3 5UF 46 3 53.207758 -0.333156
LN3 5UH 1 1 53.224065 -0.545233
LN3 5UJ 1 0 53.207818 -0.337451
LN3 5UL 2 1 53.208256 -0.340817
LN3 5UN 4 0 53.215862 -0.348625
LN3 5UP 2 1 53.220079 -0.379454
LN3 5UQ 1 0 53.207749 -0.335732
LN3 5UR 3 1 53.204509 -0.355577
LN3 5WA 1 0 53.285866 -0.427446
LN3 5XA 52 1 53.21239 -0.326926
LN3 5XB 22 0 53.213358 -0.326095
LN3 5XD 25 0 53.215811 -0.328843
LN3 5XE 10 2 53.211226 -0.323407
LN3 5XF 30 1 53.21137 -0.3215
LN3 5XG 33 0 53.210722 -0.318889
LN3 5XH 22 0 53.211645 -0.31803
LN3 5XJ 43 1 53.212241 -0.317587
LN3 5XL 22 1 53.212258 -0.320761