all postcodes in LN3 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN3 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN3 4NQ 8 0 53.233644 -0.485052
LN3 4NR 20 18 53.233691 -0.502671
LN3 4NT 9 7 53.231404 -0.505253
LN3 4PB 3 3 53.231782 -0.503471
LN3 4PD 9 4 53.231487 -0.503601
LN3 4PH 22 16 53.23299 -0.500523
LN3 4PN 12 7 53.23149 -0.501295
LN3 4PP 14 0 53.239286 -0.453984
LN3 4PQ 8 0 53.238971 -0.453246
LN3 4PR 4 0 53.238747 -0.453974
LN3 4PS 6 0 53.239489 -0.451579
LN3 4PT 6 0 53.238862 -0.451737
LN3 4RA 14 0 53.23657 -0.453168
LN3 4UT 7 0 53.235512 -0.421846
LN3 4FE 0 53.235072 -0.418505
LN3 4RB 16 0 53.235174 -0.452275
LN3 4RD 19 0 53.2356 -0.453248
LN3 4RE 22 0 53.236031 -0.453233
LN3 4GQ 17 0 53.243194 -0.471857
LN3 4EN 0 53.251116 -0.445599