all postcodes in LN4 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN4 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN4 2LD 16 53.194897 -0.535967
LN4 2LE 3 53.194309 -0.535688
LN4 2LF 0 53.193681 -0.536532
LN4 2LG 0 53.194297 -0.538383
LN4 2LH 0 53.193755 -0.541065
LN4 2LJ 0 53.195213 -0.540477
LN4 2LL 0 53.195099 -0.539957
LN4 2LN 0 53.194597 -0.538642
LN4 2LP 0 53.195194 -0.537484
LN4 2LQ 0 53.193979 -0.538813
LN4 2LS 0 53.192624 -0.536089
LN4 2LW 0 53.195393 -0.539064
LN4 2LZ 0 53.198964 -0.533343
LN4 2NA 2 53.19505 -0.533791
LN4 2NB 0 53.194275 -0.534357
LN4 2ND 8 53.193367 -0.531499
LN4 2NE 0 53.193897 -0.533606
LN4 2NF 0 53.192159 -0.529729
LN4 2NG 0 53.191165 -0.528265
LN4 2FF 8 53.192646 -0.526628