all postcodes in LN6 / LINCOLN

find any address or company within the LN6 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN6 0JW 19 0 53.218083 -0.595086
LN6 0JX 20 0 53.217907 -0.593908
LN6 0JY 12 0 53.217538 -0.592333
LN6 0JZ 24 0 53.217167 -0.593693
LN6 0LA 53 0 53.215931 -0.594827
LN6 0LB 4 0 53.220889 -0.592178
LN6 0LD 38 0 53.218689 -0.597717
LN6 0LH 24 0 53.221572 -0.597488
LN6 0LJ 23 0 53.221216 -0.598533
LN6 0LL 53 0 53.220576 -0.598419
LN6 0LN 14 0 53.221943 -0.600007
LN6 0LP 13 4 53.220431 -0.602617
LN6 0LW 11 3 53.221239 -0.600974
LN6 0LR 42 0 53.219462 -0.605375
LN6 0LS 20 0 53.219751 -0.604692
LN6 0LT 71 0 53.217131 -0.613658
LN6 0LU 66 0 53.219051 -0.604056
LN6 0LX 12 0 53.220634 -0.601053
LN6 0LY 14 0 53.220054 -0.600668
LN6 0LZ 12 0 53.220298 -0.600031