all postcodes in LN8 / MARKET RASEN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN8 5LB 12 0 53.292104 -0.29274
LN8 5LD 3 0 53.292839 -0.273356
LN8 5LE 6 1 53.29986 -0.295732
LN8 5LF 26 1 53.305527 -0.272183
LN8 5LG 12 1 53.311417 -0.239102
LN8 5LH 14 0 53.293769 -0.195145
LN8 5LJ 19 3 53.303353 -0.159878
LN8 5LN 28 1 53.290311 -0.156027
LN8 5LP 4 0 53.292536 -0.193292
LN8 5LQ 12 0 53.298936 -0.232233
LN8 5LR 7 0 53.283212 -0.203285
LN8 5LS 7 1 53.28766 -0.227838
LN8 5LT 2 0 53.293701 -0.254175
LN8 5LW 1 1 53.289717 -0.163509
LN8 5ND 15 0 53.287126 -0.30443
LN8 5NF 21 0 53.288096 -0.315613
LN8 5NG 47 2 53.316226 -0.325225
LN8 5NH 1 0 53.315501 -0.327355
LN8 5NJ 17 3 53.294736 -0.341221
LN8 5NL 6 1 53.299851 -0.355878