all postcodes in LN8 / MARKET RASEN

find any address or company within the LN8 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN8 6LA 12 0 53.36615 -0.17112
LN8 6LB 7 0 53.356309 -0.196771
LN8 6LF 23 0 53.38477 -0.199285
LN8 6LL 1 0 53.338333 -0.213121
LN8 6LN 2 0 53.34032 -0.21816
LN8 6LR 6 3 53.345247 -0.227629
LN8 6LS 4 0 53.344278 -0.227789
LN8 6LT 4 0 53.347231 -0.270377
LN8 6LU 4 0 53.33601 -0.243767
LN8 6LW 15 2 53.345831 -0.227846
LN8 6LX 11 1 53.345719 -0.218926
LN8 6LY 1 0 53.329946 -0.23918
LN8 6NG 5 0 53.334144 -0.207739
LN8 6NH 3 0 53.333069 -0.206433
LN8 6NJ 5 1 53.333291 -0.205432
LN8 6NL 11 0 53.334949 -0.208666
LN8 6NN 33 0 53.332616 -0.211362
LN8 6NQ 4 0 53.334415 -0.206646
LN8 6AZ 12 0 53.383504 -0.20511
LN8 6DJ 0 53.429101 -0.181439