all postcodes in LN8 / MARKET RASEN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN8 3TX 1 0 53.396746 -0.361411
LN8 3TY 29 0 53.389398 -0.361828
LN8 3TZ 4 0 53.388485 -0.360811
LN8 3UA 12 0 53.389564 -0.360829
LN8 3UB 8 0 53.393418 -0.349567
LN8 3US 14 0 53.388235 -0.360264
LN8 3UD 37 0 53.389974 -0.363174
LN8 3UE 11 0 53.388946 -0.36362
LN8 3UF 8 0 53.390146 -0.364581
LN8 3UG 15 0 53.390867 -0.365381
LN8 3UH 5 0 53.387966 -0.361673
LN8 3UJ 10 0 53.394963 -0.325837
LN8 3UL 3 0 53.394853 -0.316454
LN8 3UN 7 1 53.401504 -0.319576
LN8 3UP 4 1 53.40204 -0.280851
LN8 3UQ 15 0 53.389562 -0.366619
LN8 3UR 25 0 53.416662 -0.298063
LN8 3UT 11 0 53.418438 -0.294004
LN8 3UU 4 1 53.426597 -0.287536
LN8 3GW 15 0 53.416547 -0.293839