all postcodes in LN8 / MARKET RASEN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN8 3FW 4 0 53.34682 -0.397397
LN8 3NU 28 0 53.394438 -0.339466
LN8 3FN 11 0 53.381771 -0.329765
LN8 3FT 48 0 53.347187 -0.395523
LN8 3FF 23 0 53.346681 -0.396381
LN8 3NZ 5 0 53.39471 -0.342208
LN8 3QB 5 0 53.3958 -0.339834
LN8 3QD 1 0 53.395748 -0.33931
LN8 3NS 0 53.393987 -0.341319
LN8 3NT 0 53.392958 -0.341644
LN8 3FX 7 0 53.347498 -0.397657
LN8 3LH 3 0 53.386001 -0.362605
LN8 3LL 3 0 53.385915 -0.363541
LN8 3LN 4 0 53.386409 -0.363492
LN8 3LQ 3 0 53.386578 -0.362703
LN8 3LB 8 0 53.386226 -0.363258
LN8 3AY 2 0 53.383817 -0.334273
LN8 3DF 0 53.391892 -0.334196
LN8 3DG 0 53.392458 -0.335423
LN8 3DJ 0 53.391572 -0.333156