all postcodes in LN8 / MARKET RASEN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN8 2DP 1 0 53.370029 -0.466344
LN8 2DQ 6 0 53.363709 -0.492753
LN8 2DR 3 0 53.376333 -0.473529
LN8 2DW 14 0 53.34607 -0.493689
LN8 2DX 10 0 53.348211 -0.488836
LN8 2EA 2 0 53.380492 -0.497017
LN8 2EB 25 0 53.380392 -0.498717
LN8 2FS 6 0 53.381063 -0.498438
LN8 2ED 4 0 53.379866 -0.497578
LN8 2EE 10 1 53.396011 -0.49441
LN8 2EF 6 0 53.392759 -0.497109
LN8 2EG 2 1 53.399856 -0.499148
LN8 2EH 3 0 53.400155 -0.491899
LN8 2EL 10 0 53.401273 -0.492176
LN8 2EN 25 0 53.400746 -0.494541
LN8 2EP 4 0 53.403132 -0.493419
LN8 2EQ 23 4 53.399942 -0.493501
LN8 2ER 15 0 53.404841 -0.494968
LN8 2ES 4 0 53.403647 -0.49507
LN8 2ET 22 1 53.406058 -0.495575