all postcodes in LN9 / HORNCASTLE

find any address or company within the LN9 postcode district

Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN9 6LL 1 1 53.262021 -0.066473
LN9 6LN 3 1 53.260935 -0.072699
LN9 6LP 11 0 53.26155 -0.063466
LN9 6LQ 7 1 53.260316 -0.063492
LN9 6LR 13 0 53.26113 -0.061581
LN9 6LS 7 0 53.262823 -0.053287
LN9 6LT 1 0 53.275528 -0.053415
LN9 6LU 5 0 53.275625 -0.034677
LN9 6LX 4 0 53.259773 -0.064881
LN9 6LZ 1 1 53.208971 -0.116498
LN9 6NE 5 3 53.207679 -0.099095
LN9 6NG 1 1 53.201365 -0.104599
LN9 6NH 1 1 53.208283 -0.099757
LN9 6NJ 22 0 53.209067 -0.099318
LN9 6NL 4 1 53.210198 -0.087422
LN9 6NN 15 1 53.209687 -0.079148
LN9 6NP 9 0 53.210728 -0.074564
LN9 6NQ 1 1 53.207807 -0.0987
LN9 6NR 6 1 53.212981 -0.077817
LN9 6NS 1 0 53.215557 -0.056479