all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 3TN 15 1 53.252857 -0.538862
LN1 3TP 48 0 53.249476 -0.542858
LN1 3TQ 12 0 53.249024 -0.541135
LN1 3TR 6 0 53.250279 -0.55046
LN1 3TX 24 1 53.242361 -0.547655
LN1 3TY 4 0 53.242421 -0.548163
LN1 3TZ 40 0 53.243102 -0.548709
LN1 3UA 2 0 53.243369 -0.548866
LN1 3UB 32 0 53.243078 -0.5482
LN1 3UD 17 0 53.244496 -0.547958
LN1 3UE 19 0 53.24475 -0.54669
LN1 3UF 16 0 53.244591 -0.546201
LN1 3UG 23 0 53.24423 -0.546108
LN1 3UH 5 0 53.244232 -0.548491
LN1 3UJ 44 1 53.245447 -0.546758
LN1 3UP 25 0 53.2466 -0.550959
LN1 3UQ 18 0 53.244889 -0.544872
LN1 3UR 7 0 53.24773 -0.550021
LN1 3UT 32 0 53.249106 -0.550844
LN1 3UU 30 0 53.249302 -0.549923