all postcodes in LS1 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS1 4AB 1 0 53.794654 -1.543163
LS1 4AD 9 6 53.79467 -1.543106
LS1 4AE 1 1 53.794526 -1.542512
LS1 4AF 4 3 53.79466 -1.54254
LS1 4AG 11 8 53.794224 -1.543456
LS1 4AJ 1 1 53.795974 -1.557389
LS1 4AP 26 21 53.795472 -1.555728
LS1 4PR 9 9 53.795888 -1.548645
LS1 4AU 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS1 4AW 67 5 53.793612 -1.557778
LS1 4AX 1 1 53.798801 -1.558664
LS1 4AZ 1 1 53.793214 -1.547353
LS1 4BA 13 13 53.792933 -1.544335
LS1 4BJ 21 20 53.793595 -1.543524
LS1 4DL 23 12 53.796252 -1.552669
LS1 4BB 4 3 53.795014 -1.545831
LS1 4BS 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS1 4BT 1 1 53.793713 -1.546315
LS1 4BU 73 0 53.794913 -1.552284
LS1 4BW 75 0 53.794913 -1.552284