all postcodes in LS1 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS1 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS1 5ES 12 8 53.79679 -1.5453
LS1 5EY 6 5 53.797442 -1.546108
LS1 5EZ 1 1 53.797874 -1.548472
LS1 5HA 19 0 53.799242 -1.546726
LS1 5HB 74 0 53.798271 -1.546676
LS1 5HD 8 7 53.798009 -1.546775
LS1 5HL 1 1 53.795771 -1.546141
LS1 5HN 2 2 53.797209 -1.546874
LS1 5HU 35 1 53.798496 -1.546704
LS1 5JA 5 5 53.798847 -1.546791
LS1 5JD 13 13 53.798218 -1.547486
LS1 5JF 8 8 53.799026 -1.546668
LS1 5JL 3 3 53.797427 -1.547267
LS1 5JW 39 39 53.799392 -1.546026
LS1 5LD 1 1 53.798365 -1.545278
LS1 5NQ 1 1 53.796296 -1.564095
LS1 5NS 1 1 53.796204 -1.546668
LS1 5PQ 25 1 53.798886 -1.547656
LS1 5PS 11 11 53.798208 -1.54903
LS1 5PY 9 0 53.795615 -1.54546