all postcodes in LS10 / LEEDS

find any address or company within the LS10 postcode district

Postcode Area

LS / Leeds

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LS10 2DR 7 0 53.772048 -1.528949
LS10 2DT 11 0 53.771291 -1.528381
LS10 2DW 17 0 53.771747 -1.53009
LS10 2EF 48 1 53.771717 -1.527101
LS10 2EG 25 0 53.770568 -1.525203
LS10 2EH 22 0 53.771491 -1.526664
LS10 2EJ 16 0 53.771731 -1.526024
LS10 2EP 24 0 53.771618 -1.524857
LS10 2EQ 9 0 53.770763 -1.526885
LS10 2ER 21 0 53.772303 -1.522938
LS10 2ET 25 0 53.771443 -1.523676
LS10 2EU 11 5 53.772074 -1.521893
LS10 2EX 9 0 53.771321 -1.522448
LS10 2EY 18 0 53.77191 -1.523579
LS10 2EZ 36 0 53.77185 -1.52446
LS10 2HA 14 0 53.7707 -1.520058
LS10 2HB 13 0 53.77192 -1.521607
LS10 2HD 14 0 53.77084 -1.521376
LS10 2HE 33 0 53.771124 -1.520372
LS10 2HF 10 0 53.771629 -1.5207